10 Key Performance Indicators for a balanced budget
How is the budget of Academies and Multi-Academy Trusts (MATs) allocated? Could spending be more efficient? The Xeinadin Academies Benchmarking Report compares data of our survey results across 10 Key Performance Indicators. This benchmark is a vital tool for Governors, School Business Managers and Headteachers for ensuring value for money is obtained.

Whilst the vast majority of income consists of government grants, the ability to self generate revenue can make a big difference to the challenge of balancing the budget. Always look out for opportunities to utilise academy resources in this way.
The split of expenditure between support, direct and maintenance is very similar year to year. With staff costs only increasing through national insurance and pension contribution increases, the pressure on budgets will be as great as ever. As always, careful monitoring of budgets and the challenge of “increasing” costs will be essential over the coming year.
Staff costs
With wages making up the majority of a trust’s expenditure, it is a key area to look at to ensure maximum value and efficiencies are achieved. Agency costs can have a detrimental effect on budgets.
Get to know more about the MAT. Top slice arrangements need to be transparent, represent value for money for each academy within a trust and be seen to be equitable by all stakeholders.
Benchmark data
Get to know more about the MAT. Top slice arrangements need to be transparent, represent value for money for each academy within a trust and be seen to be equitable by all stakeholders.
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