How does your budget compare to others?
The significant costs involved in running an Academy or Trust requires best practice governance arrangements. Benchmarking is a vital tool for ensuring a balanced budget, and needed for compliance as well.
Xeinadin online benchmarking tool
With the online benchmarking tool, you can freely compare your financial data with other primary, secondary schools or Multi-Trust Academy (MAT). It helps School Business Managers, Governors and Headteachers with insights into how to use resources to support educational outcomes for pupils. Benchmarking is an effective tool for the self-evaluation of primary and secondary schools and MATs.

Our benchmarking tool provides insight into
• income by type and fund
• income split per pupil
• expenditure split per pupil
• revenue: direct wages,
support wages and
Staff costs
• staff numbers
• agency staff costs
• staff costs per staff member
• top slice percentage